Read this site in sequential order.

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Startup Best Practices FAQ

Answers to some of the most common questions about startups. Includes a FAQ section about incorporation that addresses questions that come up time and time again. 

Checklist & Summary of Startup Legal Stuff: Simplifying the Law

This whole website in a nutshell. 

1. The Best Investor in History

Understand and learn something from the best.

2. Core Concept: Vesting & 83(b)

Vesting is a key concept you will run across. Learn about it. Understand it. 

The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Startup in Texas

All about starting a startup in Texas.

Phase 1: Company Formation

LLC or C-Corp?

This article addresses this common question. 

1. What is Stock?

Addresses what a stock is and how stock ownership works. Fundamental, but extremely crucial information. 

2. How to Protect Your Startup from Employers

People will want to take credit or say that they own a part of your company or creation. You run this risk when it comes to previous and current employers. This risk is especially true if your startup is going to be any good. This article is how to prevent this.

3a. How to Start a Startup Part 1 of 2

This is the background and guiding principles of how to start a startup.

3b. How to Start a Startup Part 2 of 2

This is how to apply those principles and actually start the startup step by step

4. How to Put Money into the Startup

A lot of people understand that at some point investors will come into the company and pump money into the company. But many individuals get tripped up on how to initially do this at the infant stage. This article covers this issue. 

Phase 2: Company Growth and Operations

Company Growth and Operations Goals

This gives guidance on the overall picture of what should be going on in this phase. 

Board of Directors FAQ

Common questions about the board of directors. 

How to Keep Control of Your Startup

This is one of the primary areas of concern for an entrepreneur. 

Contracts Checklist

How to analyze a contract. 

1a. Stock Options 101

Fundamentals of stock options--one of the primary ways to incentivize employees.

1b. Stock Options for Employers

What stock options are and how to understand them--for employers.

1c. Stock Options for Employees

What stock options are and how to understand them--for employees. 

How to Pay People in a Startup

Got to pay people. 

How to Hire People

Got to get help.

How to Evaluate an Employment Contract

This article explains how to think through and analyze a job offer/contract--for employees. 

The One and Only Way to Avoid Legal Disputes

Legal disputes can disrupt everything. 

Phase 3A: Company Financing--Fundamental Concepts

Startup Financing 101

How startups are financed. Background reading material.

Startup Math

Read this article to understand how price per share and other numbers are calculated.

What is Dilution?

No one wants to get diluted. But it happens. Understand how and when dilution occurs and how to limit it.

Phase 3B: Company Financing--Convertible Notes

1. Convertible Debt 101

Fundamentals of convertible debt. 

2. Convertible Debt Terms

Table of terms you will see in a convertible debt deal.

3. Convertible Debt Checklist

What you need to accomplish in a convertible debt deal.

Convertible Note FAQ

List of questions and answers. 

Phase 3C: Company Financing--Venture Capital

1. Venture Capital 101

Fundamentals of venture capital financing. 

2. Venture Capital Term Sheet Terms Table

Table of terms you will see in a venture capital Series A financing. 

3. Venture Capital Financing Checklist

What you need to accomplish in a venture capital Series A financing. 

Do's, Don'ts, and Tips for Energy Startups

Advice specifically tailored towards energy startups. 

Venture Capital Financing FAQ

List of questions and answers. 

Phase 4: Company Exit

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