1. What this site is about:

Startup Legal Stuff is about startup law. It presents the material in a structured and comprehensive, but simplified manner so that anyone can get an overarching understanding of how all of this works. 

2. Who this site is for:

This site is for those learning about, creating, and investing in startups--particularly those startups that have the goal of receiving venture capital financing and having an exit. 

3. How to use this site: 

Read it in sequential order. 

4. Why the articles are so long:

Bits and pieces of knowledge without context and understanding are stupid, ultimately useless, confusing, and time-wasting. 

If you want to learn about something, then actually learn it in the context of a system or don't bother.

5. Who runs this site:

I do. I'm Subrata Saha-- a Texas attorney that focuses on tech law, investments, entrepreneurship, and startups. I represent investors, entrepreneurs, companies, agents, etc. I grew up in Texas where the energy/oil & gas and medical industries are huge.

6. Why this site was created:

Because too many people out there have questions that show an inadequate knowledge of a fundamental overarching understanding of startup and entrepreneurship law.

7. Can I ask you a question:

Absolutely. I'm happy to chat any time and get some coffee. I'm addicted to it. Email me at subrata.saha@gmail.com